Chang Law is pleased to announce the launch of the Third Party Funding Observatory (“TPFO”).
The TPFO is an online initiative that will provide news, information, and resources on third party funding. The website aims to serve as a permanent knowledge base for scholars, commentators, practitioners, and commercial parties interested in the topic of third party funding, whether from an academic, commercial, or policy point of view.
As part of its mission, the TPFO is pleased to be able to assist the ICCA-Queen Mary Task Force on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration (“Task Force”), which has now submitted the draft report on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration for public comment until 31 October 2017.
During this public comment period, the Task Force welcomes direct feedback on the draft report, which can be submitted to the Task Force at [email protected].
The TPFO will assist the Task Force by making the draft report available for download, and will also is pleased to assist the Task Force in disseminating its Draft Report and to provide a tailored platform for all interested parties to provide comments to the Draft Report.
The Comments section of the TPFO website makes it very easy to post a comment on the Draft Report, read other posts, and reply to them. The user can post her / his comment either as “anonymous” or “attributed.” Each comment must select an applicable category. The available categories generally correspond to the various Sub-Committee Reports on the Draft Report (e.g., Report of the Sub-Committee on Definitions; on Conflicts, etc.). There is also an intuitive up-voting and down-voting function for posts, which will provide important data on the quality of any given comment.
The resulting comments and data will be forwarded to the Task Force and will provide important feedback that will be incorporated into the Task Force’s final report.
The TPF Observatory is independent from the ICCA/QMUL Task Force, and was established by Duarte G. Henriques and Eric Z. Chang, Founding Editors.