Chang Law is pleased to sponsor the Young ICCA conference “Developing an International Arbitration Practice in CA.” The event is co-sponsored with Musick Peeler LLP and will be held at Musick Peeler’s office on 14 March 2018 from 1:30 to 6pm. See the flyer for the full schedule and address, here.
The conference will discuss the pending legislation intended to facilitate CA-seated international commercial arbitrations. Eric Z. Chang will serve as moderator. The first session will focus on the future of international arbitration in CA and what this means for practitioners, while the second session will focus on pursuing a career in international arbitration in CA, with a focus on the significant differences between US-style advocacy and the international style of advocacy that has developed in international arbitration worldwide. MCLE credit will be available.
The conference will be followed by networking drinks at Seven Grand, sponsored by Chang Law.
Young ICCA conferences are held worldwide and are highly popular; YICCA offers its conferences and workshops free of charge, but early registration is recommended due to limited seating. Individuals can register by e-mailing YICCA ([email protected]).
The Young ICCA event will take place a day prior to the USC Law – JAMS Third Annual ADR Symposium, to be held at USC Law School on 15 March 2018. We highly encourage you to attend both conferences, and to take advantage of the unique opportunity to participate in these two exceptional events.