UPDATE: Global Arbitration Review (GAR, paid site) has published an in-depth report on the Young ICCA event in Los Angeles, which further elaborates on the comments made by the distinguished panelists.
CHANG LAW was pleased to sponsor the Young ICCA conference “Developing an International Arbitration Practice in California.” The Young ICCA event in Los Angeles on 14 March 2018 was organized to discuss how to build an international arbitration practice in California. Folded within this topic, the conference also discussed the recent proposed amendments to the California International Arbitration and Conciliation Act (“CIACA”) pending before the California legislature that would enhance the desirability of California as a seat for international arbitrations.
The event was co-sponsored with Musick Peeler LLP and was held at Musick Peeler’s office in Downtown Los Angeles. The event was well attended and members of the crowd included distinguished academics such as Prof. Jeffery Dasteel (UCLA), as well as many California-based practitioners and law students.
The first session focused on the future of international arbitration in California. Eric Z. Chang moderated a conversation between Gary Benton (Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center), Maria Chedid, (Arnold & Porter), and Michael Martinez (Associate General Counsel, Marriott International). Gary Benton shared his experiences piloting an industry-specific arbitral institute that is gaining traction. As a distinguished member of the California Supreme Court International Commercial Arbitration Working Group appointed to study the issue, Maria Chedid discussed Senate Bill 766 and its ramifications for international arbitration in California. The audience was fortunate to hear from another distinguished Working Group member, Prof. Dasteel, who was in the audience.
The second session focused on pursuing a career in international arbitration in California. The conversation benefited from the perspective of two young attorneys–Amy Endicott (Arnold & Porter) and Marcio Vasconcellos (Musick Peeler)–who are developing an international arbitration practice in California as well as Tina Cicchetti (Cicchetti Arbitration), an experienced practitioner who recently made the switch to become a full-time arbitrator. During the conversation, the panel highlighted the significant differences between US-style advocacy and the international style of advocacy that has developed in international arbitration worldwide.
The conference was followed by drinks at Seven Grand, sponsored by Chang Law.