On 23 March 2018, Juris published a new Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration. This work, edited by Nikolaus Pitkowitz, collects general overviews on third party funding (TPF) and jurisdiction-specific commentary from leading practitioners hailing from various jurisdictions. Eric Z. Chang wrote the chapter on Third Party Funding in California. Fifty-four other authors contributed to the book, totaling six general chapters on TPF and 25 jurisdiction-specific guidelines. (See the Table of Contents here.)
The California chapter highlights California Supreme Court cases and statutory provisions relevant to TPF in California disputes. In addition to reviewing the modern case law and relevant statutes, the chapter outlines California-specific rules on disclosure and attorney-client privilege that may be implicated by a TPF agreement. The California chapter will guide counsel and parties considering external finance for disputes based in California.
The Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration was a collaboration between the ABA Section of International Law – International Arbitration Committee, the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) and the Institute on Regulation and Ethics at Queen Mary University of London. The objective of the work was to study, identify and address the central issues specific to the TPF context and to provide guidance to legal practitioners when confronted with third-party funding in international arbitration. The book is available for purchase on Juris’ website here.