Deadline Reminder
This is a reminder to all interested Young ICCA Members to submit applications to the Young ICCA Mentoring Programme before the deadline on 1 October 2018 (midnight CEST). To apply, complete your electronic application HERE. Please have your CV and a one-page letter of motivation ready to upload via the form. About the Program The Young ICCA Mentoring Programme provides Young ICCA Members with a unique opportunity to be mentored by arbitration practitioners around the world. Groups of 3-4 will be assigned to a “Mentor” – a senior arbitration expert who is usually a member of ICCA’s Governing Board – and a “Buddy” – an established arbitration practitioner. Together, the Mentor, Buddy and Mentees form a “Mentoring Group”. Each Mentoring Group will work together for 2 years starting January 2019. During this period, the Mentor and Buddy will be available to each of the Mentees in their group to provide advice and career guidance, as well as to impart arbitration wisdom and practical know-how. Guidelines outlining the role of each Mentoring Group participant – Mentor, Buddy and Mentee – and possible activities are available HERE. For more information about the Mentoring Programme along with testimonials from past participants, visit ICCA’s webpage HERE.
Eric Chang is the current co-Coordinator of the Young ICCA Mentoring Programme.