November 3, 2019
Second Circuit Expands Jurisdictional and Extraterritorial Reach of US Discovery Statute
28 USCS § 1782 has once more been the focus of a recent case for discovery…

September 29, 2019
US Appellate Court Approves US Discovery In Aid of International Arbitrations Seated Outside US
28 USCS § 1782 is a US federal statute which permits parties to seek discovery of…

September 6, 2019
CIAC Files Arbitration Amicus Brief to CA Supreme Court
Last week, the California International Arbitration Council (“CIAC”) filed an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court…

August 26, 2019
EU & China Release Joint Statement Following 21st Summit
On April 9, 2019, after the 21st EU-China Summit, the two world leaders released a joint statement reaffirming…

May 9, 2019
Sweden’s Revised Arbitration Act Takes Effect
Sweden’s newly revised Arbitration Act, passed on November 21, 2018, went into effect on March…

March 5, 2019
Beijing Arbitration Center’s New Draft Investment Rules
The Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Center (BAC) released the Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Center International Investment…